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Life Lessons That Charlie And the Chocolate Factory Taught Us

We unknowingly learn lessons from various incidents in our lives. Similarly, there are some movies which can unexpectedly teach us something about us and our lives.

Recently, I watched Charlie and the Chocolate factory. To my surprise, the movie drew my attention to several life lessons, some of which I would’ve never noticed otherwise.

Of course, there is a possibility that you may not notice all of them when watching it for the first time, but you surely will when you watch for the second or third time.

Here, I’ve mentioned a few life lessons that the movie has taught me:
Lesson#1- Being a brat is bad
You probably cannot achieve results if you are being a brat, greedy and stubborn. Parents who fulfil each and every wish of their kids are doing a good job, but by doing this they are spoiling their little ones.

Anything in extreme proportion is dangerous to health, even love and chocolate. Avoid consuming things at an extreme level because they you may have to face the repercussions. The main lesson to be learnt here is that you cannot have everything in life. There is something or the other that you are likely to miss-out on.

Lesson#2- Genuine gestures
You may have noticed Grandpa Joe’s strong possession for cabbage soup and nibbles of chocolate. You may have also seen Mrs. Bucket sacrifice her morning slice of bread.

Well, all these gestures clearly signify the unconditional love and care you have for your dear ones. So, it is important that you do things out of love and not just for the sake of doing it.

Lesson#3-You need money to make a living
As much as you would say that you are not greedy, or you don’t work for money, at the end of the day we all need it. We need money to survive and satisfy our basic needs.

You might have noticed Mr. Bucket earn some bucks by screwing caps from toothpaste tubes till the factory completely shuts. He also takes up the job of shovelling snow just so that he can feed 7 people. It is tough to earn a living, especially if you’ve got only limited resources, which basically means if you can afford only potatoes, then you have to stick to them instead of opting for steak.
You have to understand that if you have to look after your family, then you ought to stick to a basic income.

Lesson#4-Observe and look around
You cannot find things if you do not search for them. You have to look for it to earn something. You need the right approach and attitude at the right time in order to make things happen.

Remember, a penny can help you buy a kingdom if utilised at the right time and at right place.

You can have better understanding and perspective of situations if and only when you observe your surroundings. You’ll be able to react to situations rationally only if you are familiar with them and can analyse them better.

Lesson#5- Cabbage soup can also taste good
You do not have same days all-round the year. There are some days when you come across really difficult situations, but other days just pass by without any drama.
Similarly, in life there are times when you have to starve or rely on a stale piece of bread. But, there can be days where you get to treat yourself with freshly prepared turkey.

All in all, you should learn to mould yourself as per your situation to enjoy life. You cannot crib over your past; instead search for a way which brings you out of your current situation. You must learn the trick to deal with the odds and evens in your life.

Lesson#6- Build good product for successful business
Willy Wonka was successful because he could deliver brilliant and delicious chocolate products. If you plan to run a business, at some point in your life, make sure that you offer the best to your clients and customers. Just like Willy did, he offered around 200 types of chocolates which satisfied the choice of almost all customers; you must also come with a product that fulfils your consumers’ needs.
They took the risk of introducing unique inventions in the market, such as ice-cream which remains cold without having to refrigerate it for hours, caramels that changes colour in seconds, marshmallows in different flavours, unlike the ones available in market, etc.

They also introduced a chewing gum which does not lose its taste even after chewing it for a long time. You can apply similar tricks to your business by offering your audience a unique element.

Carry out in-depth research about your product as well as your audience so that you are well acquainted with their needs and expectations and do not resort to a wrong strategy.

The best example to this is the PPI policy which was introduced as an insurance product that allows customers to repay their credit borrowings even if they lose job, become ill or in any other circumstances.

But, on the contrary, the policy was mis-sold to people along with other insurances and loan policies. Even today, people are applying for free PPI claim so that they can recover their lost money. There are financial institutions which guide them to follow the correct claim process.

All these life lessons really help you to develop a different perception of life which you did not have earlier. This new perception can evolve your life and give a new dimension to it, which can further lead you to better opportunities and growth.
If you don’t believe this, then watch the movie one more time. I am sure you will be glad that you did.


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