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Best Ways to Tackle Summer Workouts

Summer sun can be quite notorious. It sucks out the last ounce of water from our insides and leaves us wondering whether this thirst will ever quench itself. If you’re a workout addict who wouldn’t stop no matter what the weather outside is, then this article is just for you.
However determined you are to proceed with your workout under the sun, here are a few things you should bear in mind when you are all set for a gruelling workout:

The Perils of Working out in Summer
If you stay in a cold country or you’ve been working out in a gym all year round, summer brings about a pleasant change in workouts. But if you happen to be located somewhere near the equator, where the wrath of heat can be felt in full force, the summer sun is not exactly a conjurer of good things.

Impact of Heat
As heat increases we begin to perspire more than usual. More perspiration means we lose water at a much quicker rate compared to that in winters.
This loss of water can cause severe dehydration in summers and this exerts greater pressure on our muscles. If a person working out in the summer heat doesn’t consume sufficient quantity of water they stand at a higher risk of suffering from problems like muscle tear or body fatigue.
Even though our routine doesn’t exactly change, the introduction of warm or hot weather does add another variable to the equation. The blood supply that works actively to cool down our muscles faces intense competition from the heat outside, making it harder for our body to cool quickly.

Time to Adjust
Our body revolts when it is subjected to extreme changes of temperature or climatic conditions. Therefore most physiotherapists believe that our body should be given sufficient time to get adjusted to our surroundings before we begin working out.
If the body is prepared for summer, chances of injury drastically reduce. For this reason, most fitness experts believe that an intensive workout is never the right way to kick off workouts in any season.
The trick to getting used to the summer heat before diving right in is to start slow. One should ideally begin exercising in the heat for an hour each day for a week to ten days.
There’s even a scientific term for it and it’s called heat acclimatisation. In essence it is similar to the acclimatisation we need to undergo when scaling higher altitudes. Our bodies have an incredible ability to get used to our surroundings within a few hours.
If we were to give you more biological details, our cardiovascular system develops resistance to the climate within the first three to five days whereas the sweating mechanism may take up to 10 days to adapt itself.

Summer heat increases
As the sun keeps going higher in the sky, the heat increases. Whether in a day or in a season, the sun being right up there is never good news for workout. Before the body is completely habituated to the heat one must not indulge in high intensity or long workouts.
It is preferable to participate in activities that help the body to cool down faster than others such as cycling or swimming. The ideal workout for summers is swimming as we do not lose much water during this activity and it also keeps us relatively cool.
For better efficiency one must always workout in the cooler parts of the day such as early morning or late evening. Working out in these times ensures that you completely avoid the scorching sun and also the harm that it brings along.
Another good way to beat the summer heat while working out is to consume lots of fluids throughout the day. The fluids shouldn’t contain caffeine as it can be counter productive when consumed in large quantities.
One should also dress appropriately as it can have a significant impact on the quality of your workout. Clothing should be minimal and such that it allows the body to breathe. Such type of clothing also keeps the body temperature down absorbing our sweat better.

Not Knowing when to Stop
Working out can be quite a rush. When you walk, you feel like jogging and when you jog you feel like sprinting. But it is important to remember that our body does have a will of its own and that it shouldn’t be forced to do things it isn’t ready to do.


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